Are Aluminium Windows Better Than UPVC?

Are Aluminium Windows Better Than UPVC?

Are Aluminium Windows Better Than UPVC?

Have you ever seen companies talking about plastic versus aluminium, or had someone tell you to invest in a glass window with aluminium instead of polyvinyl chloride (UVC) or polyurethane? It’s not always entirely clear what the difference is between these products, so this article is designed to explain the pros and cons of each and help you make an informed decision.

What are the benefits of uPVC?
uPVC windows are generally a better insulator than aluminium and do not lose colour over their lifetime. They’re also easy to clean and maintain, often just requiring a light wipe over with a damp cloth. They also incorporate a wide variety of colours, with some retailers offering a wood imitation effect that looks classy without costing too much.

These windows are a sound investment as they don’t fade, warp, rot, or peel. If maintained correctly, they can last up to 20 years.

What are the benefits of aluminium?

Aluminium tends to be stronger than uPVC, which means that aluminium windows can have a slimmer appearance and a larger glass surface due to the strength of the frame. These are very popular in commercial and public buildings and can be useful for homes if you are looking for a particularly large design. Aluminium can also last a long time – up to 20 years if you get powder coating.

Aluminium is more flexible in design than PVC, and the colour range, including the double colours, is amazing. Aluminium windows are designed to withstand extreme conditions, so they are a good choice for your home, office or even your car.

Aluminium windows are also environmentally friendly as aluminium is an endlessly recyclable material, so when you do eventually replace your windows, you can be eco-friendly.

So, which should I choose?

Both options have great advantages, but which option is right for you depends on your individual needs. If you want large windows that are very exposed to the environment, you should go for an aluminium frame. If the windows you need are smaller, and you want something that looks very stylish, uPVC may be the better option. Ultimately, you should always consult with a professional before coming to a final solution.